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Next Adult Beginners' Class
Mandarin Chinese in Harpenden Hertfordshire

Location of next Beginners class is at:


Roundwood Park Secondary School, 

Roundwood Park,





You'll find a map here



Start date: 25th Sept 2019

Time: 7pm - 8pm (on Wednesdays)




How to find the tutorial block:


Upon entry to the school follow the small red signs for the sports centre. Ignoring the turning circle drive toward the main school reception then take a left and head towards the back of the school.  Drive right to the back of the school -  as far towards the back as you're able to.


We are located in the large white building to the right of the sports centre. Please park in any available space. 


There's often a 'Harpenden Tutors' Welcome Board outside the block. Walking into the block, turn left.  You'll find the classroom near the entrance, on the right. 

  • 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm| Absolute Beginners
  • Wednesdays | Roundwood Park Secondary School
  • Harpenden, Hertfordshire
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